Election Date is here for many Counties – February 11th for the Board of Education Primary Elections
The filing deadline for these offices was December 4, 2024. If you want to see if there is an election in your area, then check the OK Voter Portal and see if there is a ballot in your area.
Not all counties have an election, but if you do please be sure to research and vote!
If you want to see the packet to file and consider running at the next opportunity, here was this year’s packet (in pdf format – downloadable). Please prayerfully consider running in your area in the future. These positions carry lots of financial and policy implications with them!
If there is an election in your area please research the candidates with local grassroots activists! We need to make sure all these positions are people aligned with common sense, family oriented, Judeo-Christian values.

Tulsa County Chairman Interferes In Precinct Election Results
On Jan 30, 2025, members of Tulsa County GOP Precinct #151 received a disturbing email from Tulsa County Chair, Ronda Vuillemont-Smith announcing a complaint had been filed regarding their precinct meeting. Here’s the story…

Upcoming Events in February
Abolition Day 2025 – Tuesday February 4th – Oklahoma State Capitol
Rally 12 Noon South Plaza
Flock Surveillance Cameras & Their Threats to Civil Rights and Liberties
Guest Speaker Rep. Tom Gann
Thursday, February 6th at 6:30PM at First Wesleyan Church in Bartlesville
No K-12 School Based Health Centers/Clinics Rally – Friday February 7th 10AM-Noon
2nd Floor Rotunda
In late breaking news – Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters will be speaking at this event!
Wagoner County – County Commissioners Meeting re: Nextera Industrial Solar Complex
February 3, 2025 at 9AM Wagoner County Courthouse (arrive early to sign up to speak)

ProLife Pardons Bring Home Many Unjustly Imprisoned – Prayers Answered Our Work Continues!
Inauguration day executive orders signed returned not just the J6ers to their families, but also many profilers! We have shared some of the stories here previously and are continuing to work for the Repeal of the Face Act here. We are celebrating a victory today while continuing to pray and work to stop the evil of abortion throughout our land!

OKGOP Officers Support RFK Jr, Urge Senators to Vote YES
The proceedings on RFK Jr begin on Wednesday, Jan. 29th. Contact the Oklahoma Senators and urge them to vote for RFK Jr! The following letter was written by the OKGOP Vice Chairman, National Committeeman, and National Committeewoman.

State Rep. Tom Gann Warns Against Corporate Welfare on Steroids Following CANOO Bankruptcy
The Oklahoma Legislature’s leading opponent of corporate welfare, State Representative Tom Gann, today issued a stark warning to his legislative colleagues regarding the ongoing misuse of public funds.

Inside the Oklahoma Capitol Swamp’s Attempt to Shut Down the People’s Emissary
Jim Shaw wasted no time in bravely taking on the swamp at the Capitol. But Kyle Hilbert, his special counselor Chris Kannady, and the Oklahoma City swamp aren’t going to make it easy for him.

The Inauguration – A Day with Fellow Trump Supporters
by Chuck Sabatka My wife and I decided to attend the inauguration of President Trump in Washington D.C. Everything was moved indoors so our tickets got us a seat at the Capital One Arena where we watched the events on the big screen and were visited by a line of...

A Resolution to Repeal the FACE Act
Recently, Paul Vaughn, testified before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on his experiences with the weaponized FACE Act. Having known Paul and his family most of my life, I know of his character and personal values and took to heart his plight in recent years with first the FBI invasion of his home and then the federal courts pursuing a case the local entities did not to punish him for standing against murder in our land. You can listen to his entire testimony here.
This issue is so important, that I have written a resolution that I would like to see passed in precincts and counties, and ultimately at the state level in Oklahoma this cycle. Please read and help wherever you live if you agree!

Rally at the Capitol on February 7th and A Resolution to Stop Expansion of School Based Health Centers in Oklahoma
No K-12 School-Based Health Centers/Clinics Rally – Oklahoma Capitol 2nd floor Rotunda on February 7, 2025. Speakers to include Senator Dusty Deevers, Pastor James Taylor, Senator David Bullard, Senator Jonathan Wingard, Mic Rosado, and Brady Butler. Please share this flyer with friends locally and make plans to attend.

Upcoming Events in January and February
It is very important that everyone attends their precinct conventions and elect grassroots candidates for all offices. This is the basic building block for the following county and state conventions. Very important!!! Also information on Abolition Day Rally and No to SBHC Rally, both at the Capitol.

Attend OKGOP Precinct Meetings and County Conventions in the coming weeks
This year, all the precincts and counties in Oklahoma are participating in the convention process, working together to build the 2025 OKGOP Platform and vote on resolutions and adjustments to the OKGOP Rules, as well as electing many officers.

Rally at the Capitol on January 7th huge success! Wind Turbines pulled from McIntosh County – more to come!
Thanks to all who made the trip to attend! It is estimated there were about 300 people there. Special thanks to Attorney General Gentner Drummond who kicked off the event. Speakers were announced on the promo flyer and David Bullard and Ryan Walters were also there. We have two videos from the event linked below. The event was a huge success as Wind Turbines have already been pulled from McIntosh County. More to come…

Gann Proposes Sweeping Reforms to Restore Transparency to House of Representatives
In a far-reaching, and transformative effort to modernize the Oklahoma House of Representatives, Rep. Tom Gann, R-Inola, has sponsored a reform package – House Resolution 1001 – designed to distribute power, promote transparency and reinvigorate the legislative process. His reforms aim to end the culture of opacity and concentration of authority that he says has hindered the chamber’s effectiveness for far too long.

OK County Grand Jury Petition Signature Gathering
Children are becoming victims of the DHS system. The rights of the parents and the children are being trampled on. No due process. Courts and prosecutors and other government officials are complicit. Until this system is overhauled, these grievances will continue.

2025 Oklahoma Election Timeline Information
It is never too early to pray over running for office. A republic requires constant vigilance and real people involved at all levels of governance. Please review this timeline and see where your calling fits!
State Election Board Overview – 2025 Oklahoma Elections
2025 Statutory Election Dates and Deadlines:

Looking Back on 2024 Accomplishments with OKGrassroots; Onward to 2025!
Special thanks to our wonderful advisors and all the grassroots patriots who make all these efforts possible and fruitful! Special thanks to all the likeminded groups in Oklahoma who network with us and share in the things we have done together. Here are just a few highlights from 2024:

Election Integrity/Reform Series – Summary with links to all articles in this series.
This article is a summary of a series of articles on Election Integrity/Reform to make it easier for you to find all of the articles linked in one place as needed:
Part I – The Background
Part II – OKGOP Platform and Resolutions
Part III – Problems with the Oklahoma Election Board
Special Election Notice: If You See Something – Say Something!
Part IV – Recommendations for Amending Title 26 and more
Oklahoma Statutes – Title 26 is included in this list for reference only. Title 26 is the Oklahoma statute that contains the rules for this area of government under the heading of ELECTIONS. (see article for links)

Jan. 7 – Stop the Green Agenda Capitol Rally!
Time to let Governor Stitt know we expect him to enact an Executive Order to stop the wind turbines, solar, and other “green” energy agendas from destroying Oklahoma!

The Angel said “Fear Not…”
May you know the Creator of both man and angels as your redeemer in the here and now and for all eternity!